film stills from the movie ghost world with tora birch and scarlett johansson.
bekymrade tonåringar från filmen ghost world.
film stills from the movie ghost world with tora birch and scarlett johansson.
bekymrade tonåringar från filmen ghost world.
i feel lousy for not knowing the photographers, tell me if you know and i’ll link! the milk is by eiikii.
fånga solljus och blåsa bubblor.
bathtub, text, deer.. first photo by olivia bee, my most recent flickr-crush.
nyfunna flickr-favoriten..
the story is up to you.. most photos by lovely olivia bee.
melankoliska flickor, slott och läppstiftsaskar.
i don’t really know how these photos came together, they have nothing to do with anything.. they just magnetically drew themselves together. blogging has become my sixth sense, i am no longer in control, the photos are in charge :P
no, but perhaps someone, somewhere identifies itself and for you: it’s ok, don’t worry – everything will be alright.
bilder som flög ihop av något småskum anledning.
just some things i like.. sasha borodinova: the cotton candy photo. deer photo: olivia bee.
lite olika saker jag gillar.
just a heart, hand and light..
just a sweet, playful home in canada, via poppytalk.
ett lekfullt litet hus i canada!