that is one juicy drink..
en måndagsdrink?
that is one juicy drink..
en måndagsdrink?
these just belonged together, randomly found in some folder..
also, iv’e been thinking about pools lately.. i love pools!
några bilder som hörde ihop. vill bada i pool!
70s, summer.. i love these! photo by nolan.
70-tal, sommar, ansiktsmålning och mönstrade tunikor.
lazy sundays.
(lite epilepsi av bild två, men så kan gå)
the perfect french balcony, via lobster and swan.
den perfekta balkongen!
the photos pretty much speak for themselves, i’m guessing this is kind of what everybody does in sweden right now – lounge, eat, clean a little, hang out with some friends in the garden, sleep.
fler midsommar på landet-bilder.
happy midsummer, even if you’re not celebrating it! the lovely photos above are by dan martensen from hobo magazine.
glad midsommar :)
this is like the typical lolita-post, if you know what i mean :) i just always end up with saving photos like these.
en klassiker.