0 In Archive

miles aldridge

the sun is shining so bright, i can barely see the computer screen. not that i’m complaining. studying a little and drinking coffee..

pluggar lite, dricker kaffe.. kollar efter fina bilder.

6 In Inspiration


jessica stam


lalalarge photos! exciting.. we’ll see how it goes. if it get’s to slow on your computers or if an annoying scroll turns up in the bottom – tell me.

stoora bilder! det blir spännande.. har alltid velat gasa upp bilderna i 700px.

photo sources unknown, tell me if you know!

1 In Inspiration


black and white photography

2 hours of sleep last night but that ok because i can feel the smell of newly cut lawn and it’s only a week left of school work.

en skolvecka kvar tills betygen sätts och doften av nyklippt gräsmatta.

4 In about Lolita


i’m having troubles uploading images.. so no photos until tomorrow (or tonigt). there are several things going on with lolita. first of all, i’m switching to ballous server. this is good because lolita is going to be very, very fast. it will also make it possible for me to upload bigger photos and the layout will change a little (hopefully to the better).
anyways, i hope you’re having a nice tuesday afternoon!

byter till ballous supersnabba server men det innebär att tekniken krånglar lite tillfälligt. kan till exempel inte ladda upp bilder. men det kommer att ändras inom kort (typ ikväll/imorrn) tillsammans med lite andra förbättringar; större bilder och finare layout. hoppas ni har en fin tisdag, kram på er!