an editorial from 94. i always find the light and coloring of the 90s editorials kind of melancholic..
det finns något lätt melankoliskt över 90-talet.. något så avskalat att det också blivit sårbart.
a turquoise balloon and a red shoe, as simple as that! photographer: eduoard plongeon. illustrator: ? :/
turkos ballong och röd liten sko..
went to ikea today, it’s amazing how much concentration that place requires of you. totally tired now. bought some bathroom furniture that i’m trying to put together. ended up blogging.
söndag på ikea – koncentrationens mecka, iaf om man ska orientera sig på ta själv-lagret.
first photo: lina scheynius?
second photo: i heart krackney.
an invitation in different kinds of stacks. i love theses gifs and how the light changes in the different stages.. the colors are lovely as well – a combinaion of candy and 50s washing powder. by graphic design studio koehorst in’t veld.
inbjudningar i olika slags konstellationer som bildar mönster.. av den grafiska design byrån koehorst in’t veld.