13 In about Lolita


hui+ flickr


i’m guessing my recent hang-up on flowers has something to do with spring? i’m just constantly drawn to them in anything; patterns, illustrations, in photographs, in windows. it could also be a side-effect of my inability to focus due to stress.. haha, i find them very destressing. i’m developing into ferdinand..

speaking of flowers – i’m very delighted that some many of you liked the mayflower! i love them as well, such a sweet tradition.. most of you can expect flowers on the post! i’ll send as many as iv’e got..

dras typ bara till blommor av olika slag för tillfället. stressen i skolan har förvandlat mig till tjuren ferdinand.

photo by hui+

35 In Archive

Majblomman 2009 – time to give




If you have noticed, as the lovely Tina at the English Muse did, the paper flower pin in my sidebar and wonder what it is, I can tell you that it is this years Mayflower pin that is being sold by children in Sweden, every year in the spring and only for two weeks, with the aim to improve the situation for children and to fight child poverty. I think this is such a beautiful tradition and of course, I was selling “majblommor” by myself as a kid.

As I’m too old nowadays for selling the mayflowers I buy a lot of the pins instead!
Actually I bought several mayflowers yesterday as a give away to you, my lovely readers, so leave me a comment if you want one and Iwill send a beautiful pink mayflower to 15 random readers from the comment list.

6 In Graphic Design






machine 2: foresees into the future of design 15 years from now.

machine 3: reproduces itself (just in smaller scale).

machine 1: produces Pantone 804 or magenta.

= tools you need to:
