2 In about Lolita

stockholm guide

hanna konola

i want the easter holidays to continue! i want to ride my bike through hagaparken, eat picnic at bergianska trädgården and watch maxi water lillies in victoriahuset, go for long walks through tanto and djurgården and then drink tea on balconys all night long. and there you have a mini stockholm guide, by the way!

kan inte påsklovet bara fortsätta för alltid? promenad i botaniska trädgården och dricka ingefärsté på balkonger..

illustration: hanna konola

2 In Inspiration

color theraphy














bursts of red and orange in interiors, shades of blue in photographs, swirly and alive brush strokes in paintings.. i love color! just not on clothes..

lite färgterapi på en molnig måndag..

1 In Archive

nick haymes


i found this photo by nich haymes in an “old” i-d just now. i like it. the pattern, the shoes, the crinoline. now, i’ll drink some more coffee and think about my dinner tomorrow. the only thing i have is a tablecloth.. i can show it to you later, and postpone the other things that need to be done even further!

jag hittade den här bilden av nich haymes i en gammal i-d. gillar crinolinen och mönstret. ska ha födelsedagsmiddag imorrn men jag har bara lyckats fixa fram en bordsduk. visar sen och skjuter upp allt viktigt!

5 In Inspiration

marlene marino, tim barber

marlene marino

tim barber

i just want to sit in the kitchen, listen to spanish guitar music and draw circles and patterns on the newspapers. but things need to be done. i don’t like reality. reality = you live and then you die. dreaming = we are star stuff harvesting star light. carl sagan delicately put it that way.. he was an astronomer and very interesting. i would make him some coffee and then we could discuss the universe and it’s content.

jag vill bara sitta i köket, lyssna på spansk gitarrmusik och rita cirklar och mönster på tidningar. astronomer söker kunskap om universums innehåll står det på en hemsida… carl sagan är en astronom. jag gillar honom.