oh my, i am so making scones for the weekend.. and i’m babysitting too so it will be perfect! first photo by pearled
i want to go to rome and eat lots of gelato and visit lots of fruit markets! i want it so bad, think i will have to eat some grapes in compensation. photos by pearled
pretty light blue with red and white checkered bag, via mieke willems
black swan is just the best movie i’ve seen for quite a while.. could natalie portman be any better? she’s brilliant. everybody in the whole movie is brilliant. i could really watch it like a million times. well three then, at least.
the photo is from a tumblr called the ballerina project
on cold january evenings one can only dream about tepid mornings in may.. first photo: aurelie auger
a bookcase you can actually step into, now that would be kind of nice. it’s called ARK booktower and is made by Rintala Eggertsson Architects, commisioned by the V&A museum in London
listened to nelly rodis trend seminar at formex 2011, petted porcelain with lots of glossy enamel layerings, got really sore feet and didn’t do any of the school studying i should have.
al the things you might need on a wednesday, via camilla engman