7 In Archive


i’m not (at all) too good with routines but i still have some romantic idea about organizing. i think i got it from a story about some architect commissioned to make a sketch and his deadline was more than a year away. so every day he would sit at his desk at 9 pm, put on this one song (alway the same) and then work for exactly an hour. the end result was of course great, as always in stories.

i don’t know why i find it so inspiring but i think it has to do with some kind of fascination of the perservation and commitment that it takes to be so structured. and i always want what i haven’t got, don’t we all?

first photo: mieke willems
second photo: some album cover, i don’t remember which

9 In Inspiration



my most inspiring time of the day is mornings, and preferably to early when the coffee is necessary and it’s so quiet and still one would think i live alone in some forest. i could look at anything and enjoy it so whatever site happens to appear on my browser is the best in the world. except newssites, they always get me down.

first photo unknown
jumper from j.press