i remember the first time i was in paris.. such an amazing feeling, i loved that city!
photography by maxime ballesteros, motionslow and other unknown photographers (as always, you’re free to tell if you know).
scheynius apartment in paris. i love the light and the athmosphere.. the budding tree in the corner, the slightly lilac-colored sky..
in a city, in a house, a girl in her home – several girls in their homes.. doing similar things = thought that fascinates me. how unable people can be to picture someone else’s life and yet we all basically do the same things. limited number of activies existing on earth? or an universal inability to break patterns?
second photo by maxime ballesteros.
waking up every day thinking: what do i want to do today? and then doing exactly that. as if you don’t have a care in the world.
pastel houses in prague by pixie buttercup