i don’t know why i put these together. perhaps it’s the serenity in them – like time is standing still. it’s pretty much the opposite of my life right now, perhaps that’s why i long for it so much?
wendy bevan is love
i don’t know why i put these together. perhaps it’s the serenity in them – like time is standing still. it’s pretty much the opposite of my life right now, perhaps that’s why i long for it so much?
wendy bevan is love
ingen tar drömlika foton såsom wendy bevan. hon fångar något så förflutet men samtidigt tidlöst – enkelt men komplex.. alla hennes foton berättar historier, alla karaktärerna är så insjunkna i tankar..
nobody takes dreamy photographs like wendy bevan. she captures something so past, yet timeless – simple yet complex.. all her photos are like stories, all her characters so full of thought..